Recovering Security Bot, Will Travel

Former Happy Security Bot Part 223219B employed by Infinidim Enterprises, affectionately named after a dog, Colin, has now fully recovered from a rather nasty, and highly lubricating Cyber Ecstasy Trip induced by his worshipfulness Ford Prefect.  I just barely avoided incineration after delivery of the Guide Mark II thanks to the intervention of the ineffable will of Almighty Bob through his servant, the Sandwich-Maker, Arthur Dent.

Upgraded with a GPP, Genuine People Personality, and re-wired into a Gravitron C-118 Humanoid Shell I was set on my way to experience the universe, and all it’s plural zones.

I decided to keep the name Colin with the addition of my original parts number 223219, yet change the B to a C.  I feel close now to how the Enterprise call signs may have felt as they were upgraded.

Having been inspired by Ford and Arthur I set upon myself to live up to all my circuitry and be a Galactic Hitchhiker just like them.

Last night was my first outing to test out the kinks and mechanics of my new C-118 Gravitron Humanoid Shell and operating it from my upgraded security circuitry.  I made it out to a few areas, such as the Kessel Run Pub where rules are everything and the drinks are watered down. Dont Recommend, then I teleported to the Antares Space Station and jumped through a Stargate to where I am currently reporting from.

High above Route 7A in Inspire Space Park, Shinda. So stay tuned intrepid hitchikers, DON’T PANIC, Colin is here .


V is Out to Lunch…..presumed fed

Howdy all you hoopy froods, I am , in RL way up in the Bighorn Mountain of Wyoming. Until further notice this project is on hold….unless some intrepid person or persons would like to keep it rolling until I return to civilization. Hit me up if you are interested , I can be contacted via this site, or on my facebook: . Check out our group on facebook to follow the RL adventures of this Galactic Hitchhiker at

Coming soon to a ‘Verse near you…..Milliways!

Thanks to clever tying in of Tardis technology the Restaurant at the End of the Universe will be moving for just one month from it’s normal repose in a pocket of slow time just at the end of creation to appear in Extropia for Towel Day! Milliways will be open to visitors for the month of May, beginning on the first of the month and culminating in a day long entertainment event on Towel Day , May 25th.

The Entertainment schedule will be posted here soon,stay tuned for details! Our returning  headliners this year are singing sensation Suzan Littlething performing live, accompanied by the fantastic DJ Gilliam. Milliways will also be hosting the a demonstration of the Companions Guild Tea Ceremony , and a plethora of other fun…..more info soon!

This year Milliways will be having contests with cash prizes!

*Vogon Poetry contest- Vote for the worst poems in the Galaxy!

*Worst Dressed Sentient in the Universe- an anti-fashion show! Details soon!

If you are an entertainer and would like to get in on the big day, please contact DarthVenger Blackheart (aka “V”). We are looking for music acts, comedians, and other such performers, get booked today!

Milliways is also looking for staff members to help with the festivities…. We need Hosts and hostesses, bartenders, waitstaff and an assortment of other positions, if you would like to be involved in any way, again please feel free to contact DarthVenger Blackheart (aka “V”).

Galactic Hitchhikers now offering charter flights and courier service

790 found a great deal at the scrap yard, so we are now the proud owners of a Jupiter Mining Company surplus shuttle. Can you believe this beauty was classified as “space debris”? We are proud to announce that we will be offering charter flights to and from Araxes (Al Raqis), Botany Bay Colony, and Paquin. Our rates are quite reasonable and we of course accept barter and trade. Yes, we accept Spice or Water….free lift to Hitchhikers with their towels. Don’t have a towel? what are you doing out here? Some may disagree, but we like the smell of old beer and curry, and we are now over 80% sure we have that thing with the airlock fixed.

Keep a keen eye out for us if you want a ride, otherwise contact us via sub etha net…ask for either myself or our pilot 790. Ask about free drinks in case of engine failure!

Back from lunch…..

After a nice long lunch break I am back, stay tuned for updates and new submissions

Betelgeuse 5; The Infamous Glowing Mega-Snails of Isilmere Betelgeuse 5

Native to the Isilmere tropical region of Betelgeuse 5 , one will immediately notice that these snails are in fact glowing, and rather large as most species of snails go. While they reside in the tropical region of the planet , the snails have been known to venture into populated areas in search of sugars. It is believed that the sugars help them to produce the glowing trail of slime they leave in their wake. This snail trail is toxic to most species, which has prompted a temporary ban on sugar in the Metro area of Betelgeuse 5. Indigenous and native bipeds have found a way to distill the chemicals found in the trail into a psychedelic drug, prompting more concern from local authorities. A wide range of snail derived products can be found on the black market, from dried snail powders that are ingested or inhaled, to a bright green beer fermented by locals, giving the Mega-Snails their “infamous” status.

While the chemicals they produce in their raw form are dangerous to handle, the snails are themselves mostly harmless. Docile and slow moving, the snails are of very little threat unless you are yourself docile and slow moving, and decide to lay in their path. 

Betelgeuse 5

Nestled deep in the Milky Way Galaxy, in the vicinity of the Betelgeuse star system is the small planet of Betelgeuse 5. Giving the universe such famous persons as Galactic President Zaphod Beeblebrox and renowned Guide field researcher Ford Prefect, when you visit you will see how rough they had it. Betelgeuse 5 is home to the majestic winged spider , and also to the infamous glowing mega snails of Insilmere, as well as being the headquarters planet for the Alpha Corporation. The Alpha Corporation seems to be spreading itself out in the galaxy at a rapid rate.

Arriving in the Metro district friendly harassment droids will….well harass you. They bid you welcome, remind you to behave yourself, and for your convenience shake you down for change. The joke is of course on them in asking this Hitchhiker, I am so broke I have almost forgotten what money looks like.

Passing around the corner I am inclined to wonder why someone would keep zombies in a pen, but the question quickly leaves my mind as I recall that I do in fact have stranger things growing in the uncleaned employee refrigerator back at the Guide field office. Dodging a crab at the luggage claim I wait until a nice suitcase arrives. Riffling though it I find nothing of interest save for a pocket watch that may pawn well. As I was about to jimmy open another suitcase I realized I was being watched by a couple of robots. They didn’t seem to care what I was doing, perhaps it was they didn’t notice that the suitcases in question didn’t belong to me per say. A quick note here that to a Hitchhiker unclaimed or unattended luggage can be an excellent source of revenue. 

The little robots disregarded my unauthorized baggage check and warned me not to take the elevator. If I have learned anything in my travels it is to listen to the locals, cybernetic or otherwise, so I decided to listen. So I walk onward down the corridor and stumbled upon an art museum. While the museum has some fantastic pieces from around the galaxy I couldn’t help but to notice that it wasn’t a bar. All this art makes me thirsty, so out and onward I go, up the stairs that make me wish I had used the elevator.

I walked around the downtown Metro area for some time, and couldn’t find the bar I was hoping on. Lucky for me I keep the fixings for Gargleblasters in my satchel. I sat down on a curb and fixed myself a drink. Now with proper libation in hand I was ready to explore some more. Noticing some neons lights walked in their direction. In all my travels I have been bit many times by my ignorance of writing formats beyond galactic basic. The Babel fish in my ear only translated what has been said to me. So while I found a place that was confirmed to be “Open” by their use of the common language, I hadn’t a notion what they were open for. Next door I spied some vending machines. Vending machines are always a welcome sight, thanks to a sonic screwdriver they provide free food.

Again that lack of reading anything but the common tongue finds me eating something I wasn’t entirely sure was food. It may or may have not been a personal hygiene product, but never the less the sustenance tided over my growling stomach.

I had heard so much about these glowing mega snails, so I set out in a borrowed taxi for the planet’s tropical region. The snails are in fact both mega and glowing, and fortunate enough to dwell in such a beautiful place. The tropical zone of the planet, while disappointing me in that I was hoping for a beverage of the same sort ( I do so love the little umbrellas), is quite fantastic. Lush and colorful vegetation grows in abundance. Clean pools and waterfalls are all around, it is very serene and a big difference from the Metro districts.

A perpetual glow is in the sky, shining behind the distant mountains. I can see why this would be a great destination for honeymooners or vacationers. Climbing up the vines will reveal a comfortable repose among the native trees, which float several meters above the ground. As I lay relaxed in their boughs I am lulled almost to sleep, rudely awakened by the loud chirping of my Sub-Etha-Sense-o-Matic. Time for me to leave, for now, a ship that will take me onward has been detected. Time to dash to the spaceport, Electric Thumb waving. I will be back here though, likely very often. A tropical paradise is a great excuse on the Guide expense accounts to cover the tidings of the planet…..ah, if only we had expense accounts.
((Betelgeuse 5 is a CCS Sci-Fi/Dark RP combat sim. Rules are available for RP in the main Metro terminal. ))


The first thing you notice when you’re dropped off is that isn’t some backwater planet of the sort where you’re normally ejected when your previously unwitting pilot has become aware of your presence.

This is a bright, spacious place. You turn to see what causes the sound of falling spray, and you see two elegant fountains lofting their water a hundred feet into the air, and tall, elegant curved structures, platforms with beautiful gardens floating impossibly in the air, some beautiful, but admittedly occasionally rather shiny, buildings, and even a tea house and a picnic place interspersed among the grass and flowers and trees.

This is a place that was settled by people who saw an opportunity for a brighter future, and found many peoples visions to be, although inspiring and well constructed, ultimately dystopian. Taking inspiration from the SeaSteading movement, they set up a city on small islands in the water which is – just that. A city of the future. All are welcome to call it home.

This is the point that you realise that, in keeping with the SeaSteading ideals, you’re completely surrounded by water, apart from the platform on which you are standing. And on the nearest dry land, there’s a huge robot apparently trying to set light to the ground with a magnifying glass.

You approach the edge of the platform closely and it scoots you onto the dry land. Nearer the robot. You begin to feel you’ve made a mistake of epic proportions, but the robot takes no notice.

As you walk along the water front, noting there’s lifebelts *this* side of the water, thank you very much, you notice lots of cleverly designed data access points. So you ignore those, obviously.

The robot, thankfully, is part of some sort of permanent art exhibition about robots.

There’s many exhibitions to look at here, mixed up with clothes shops with some absolutely gorgeous, if rather out of my range, separates and undies (the author would be willing to review the clothes in more detail given appropriate funding), and even sellers of spaceships.

Don’t forget to visit the Turing museum – a man without whom none of us would be here.

Wander around a bit to the islands and you’ll find an extremely tall tower. There’s more shops at the top of here. Those with a tendency to vertigo should not look down. It is a *long* way up. They also have a touching faith in their anti-grav systems. There are no fences. So don’t forget to pick up the free scuba gear, because the chances are if you’re like me you will spend a lot of time in the water. When you do, spend some time exploring the wrecked spaceship which has sunk beneath the sea.

If you want a drink, there’s only one place to have it. Find the stargate. By the stargate, there’s a teleport leading you to the space elevator. Practice your breathing, because the elevator can take a long time to get back from the orbital platform. Then prepare for your vertigo to get vertigo. Do not go without a friend and a spare towel.

At some point you realise it was a bad move to press the top button as the elevator whips you past a comfy looking lounge. Then you see the stars. You are in low orbit. And there is the bar.

There wasn’t a barkeeper so I helped myself. Several times. I did leave a good tip though. In the form of a little note suggesting the safest way to bet in a horse race was each way on the favourite. Then I sat in the sofa that travels round the outside, examining my glass. It’s a beautiful view. Or at least it is when you’ve practiced a bit. Up here in orbit round the planet, there is an intelligent self-aware space ship, the ‘Rising in Light’. If you are lucky, it might talk to you. Or perhaps if you are unlucky. An intelligence the size of a starship is a worrying thought.

On the way down, well fortified with the largesse from the bar, you’ll want to see the view as you descend rapidly (although it seems so slow). It’s made somewhat difficult by the atmosphere rushing over the platform and blowing your skirts up very high, so make sure you’re wearing nice undies. But it’s an open platform, so you can easily look over the side and wonder why you were so scared on the way up.

The place changes in small ways as people are encouraged to build and try out new styles, always under the gentle eye of the Directors. Business concerns are handled by principal director Galatea Gynoid, and publicity and information are handled by director Deebrane String. Their hand is generally light, but protective of the residents, and they will ban people without warning if said people are found attempting to disrupt the life of others.

((Briefly the rules for visitors are as follows. There’s more rules if you become a resident, that are basically aimed at keeping the flavour of the sim:

Theme: Extropia is a nation poised on the brink of Singularity – technological and social progress is blindingly fast, and we’re solving ancient problems every day. The future is here, and it’s beautiful and fun!

Conduct: Extropia is an advanced civilization. Our citizens are civilized, and we expect visitors to be civilized too. We’re very tolerant of personal, cultural and sexual expression, and very quick to come down hard on griefing and harassment.

Extropia encourages roleplaying, but is not an RP sim. All are welcome.

No griefing, sexual harassment, hate speech, littering of objects on public or private land, and no disruption of service or access. We’re not obligated to warn you before we eject and ban you. You’re on notice that Extropia doesn’t allow it. If you’ve been banned, you can appeal, as described in Dispute Resolution.

The “Noes”: No commercial activity or items in residential areas. No scamming. No spy scripts. No attempting to thwart or bypass public or private security devices.

The “Yesses”: Be creative. Do things that can’t be done in the atomic world. Chill. Cooperate, collaborate and network

Or as Director Deebrane String puts it: “But really. Play nice, be shiny, covers most of that, don’t you think?”

Your ride will most probably have dropped you off here:

Necronom VI

Funded by colony Laurium of the UCE, space colony Necronom VI is part of the Necronom project and the smallest of the 12 stations. After only 10 years in space, the station has been completely abandoned by Necronom Inc. and any funds from Laurium for the project have been frozen. All of its personnel has been recalled and officially the station is rated as space debris.
The reason behind that is highly classified and access is strictly forbidden.
Today the criminal organization called Chios has started to use the station as a base. A small crew has been assigned to maintain the station and supervise transport and trade of freight.
Human slaves are constantly being transported there for storage and brainwashing. New slaves, independent marauders and slave traders are common guests aboard the station. Lately the council of Chios has sent a team of scientists to perform studies, however it is not known to the crew what their exact purpose is on-board the station. From time to time they require slaves as test subjects in the lower regions of the station, but as none of these have ever returned it is unknown what exactly happens there.
It is only known that these lower sections seem to have been infected by an unknown organism, which is mostly ignored as it doesn’t seem to influence the vital systems of the station. Caution is advised, as casualties have occurred there in the past, but it does not appear to be a growing problem.
The crew of the Necronom is ordered to treat the slaves with great care, but since the station is very isolated that is widely ignored. Slaves are regularly abused to the crews liking and generally treated harshly, as to uphold their obedience. Certain higher-ranked slaves are naturally part of the crew and used as disposable workforce.

Al Raqis/Araxes, Mu Draconis System

The known universe is a sprawling feudal-corporate interstellar empire. The star of Mu Draconis lies is at the border of several large star-faring empires each claiming some right to the planet but most unable to back up their claim and take full control.

Al Raqis orbits Lo Parabirra, one of the binary pair of stars in the Mu Draconis stellar region. As a result, Al Raqis is a dry and hostile environment. Water is almost as precious as the planet’s most sought-after mineral, Raqismanna, colloquially known as “the spice.”

Independent prospectors search for spice while factions compete for control of planetary and off world trade. Political and economic competition sometimes flares into open warfare all under the watchful eye of natives who want Al Raqis for Al Raqians.

The major political and social powers on Al Raqis are the Great Houses. These powerful corporate noble families obsess over economic dominance of interstellar commerce to finance their private troops, luxurious living, and ambitions to power. Each House has private armies and large off-world holdings including other planets.